Monday, April 2, 2012

A Rich Life

I live a rich life -- I have a husband of 32 years (yes, he has put up with me that long); I have awesome friends that encourage me; and (most of all) I serve an awesome God. It's a rich life. Perhaps everything isn't exactly how I wish it were (I'm working on it), but it is rich nonetheless. Why go through life looking at the imperfect when there is so much awesome?

We are studying Joseph Prince's book 100 Days of Favor in my Bible study. Loving the study. There's nothing like meditating on God's favor -- His unmerited favor -- His grace that is bestowed upon us undeservedly. Ahhhh, truth. Yesterday's subject was the fact that He cares for us intently, detailed, specifically, etc.

We enjoyed meditating on that truth so very much. How amazing to be reminded that He cares about every single detail of our life. EVERYTHING!

Even my pursuit of weight loss. I mean, of course He's concerned about the details. Of course. But He is REALLY interested. We can take comfort in that. Regarding anything and everything. We can rest that He will assist us, He will give us strength, He will bring the answer.

Just let that sink down into your spirit. Don't rush off. Let it become truth to your soul. He cares. He care about everything. He cares about everything that concerns you. He cares about everything that concerns you right now.

Truth. Comforting truth.

Give Him what you are concerned about right now. Receive the comfort He sends.

Enjoy the day!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Half Pound!

I know what you're thinking ... a half pound lost, right? But, no -- I am talking about my goal of eating a half pound of raw veggies every day. I want to build up to a pound, but a half pound is a good goal right now. Don't get me wrong, I love veggies. But, boy oh boy, that baggie is full! I'm getting through it every day. So proud of that! But it is a lot. Then on top of that I'm supposed to have a big green salad.

If you would read the Eat to Live book and just write down all he has to say about Romaine, Spinach, and Kale you would be amazed and motivated to eat a bunch every day, too. And, yes, I capitalized their names on purpose. I felt that that made them feel more important. Which, apparently (according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman), they are.

It's just a lot of raw food each day, that's all I'm say. I haven't lost too much yet (at all), but I am praying that my body will give in here one of these days and know that this is our new normal and it can count on it and just relax and let go of some of the fat that we do not need.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Wouldn't that be nice today?

I think it would be.

(on her journey)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3:00 am motivation

I spent from 3:00 - 4:45 am this morning reading motivational nuggets online. I read all kinds of things from exercise gurus, diet gurus, go-get-em folks, exercise-aholics, and really fit folks. It was exhilarating. Really.

I pinned put tons of quotes on pinterest (yes, I'm addicted to pinterest). And the interesting thing is that just a bit ago I checked my email and dozens of folks had repinned those quotes.

It appears that many of us are looking for motivation and encouragement to get and/or keep going. I loved it. I felt like I was among friends.

One of my favorites was "There is no diet that will do what eating healthy will do." That one got repinned the most.

And it got me to thinking: I am careful about what I watch on television or at the movies. I am careful about what I read and listen to. I am careful about what my spirit and soul feasts on. Why in the world wouldn't I be just as careful about what my physical body feasts on. I mean REALLY!

For the past couple of months I have been being very careful and more so in the past 2-3 weeks. But I have been going up and down between motivated and discouraged (you are aware of that). That hour and forty-five minutes of devouring encouragement really affected me. I am eating healthy. And it will do it. If not immediately ... eventually.

I like this quote too: You don't always get what you wish for. You get what you work for.

So from 4:45 to 5:00 I had a quick, intense, workout and that started my day. I have my cup of water in front of me. I'll do a couple more 15 minute sessions today and I'll eat my half-pound of raw veggies and apple in addition to a salad and some beans throughout the day.

I cannot wait for you to see me next year this time! I hope your jaw drops big time!!!



Monday, March 26, 2012

Trusting God

I've been a Christian for a long time. I've seen God's hand on my life in so many ways. I've trusted Him for little things and BIG things and REALLY BIG things. And yet, I struggle with the weight issue. Like He wouldn't be interested in aiding me there.

Well, that's just not true.

I am turning my head around and looking at this journey in a different way. Just as He brought me through the kidney disease He will see me through this health issue. I am seeking His kingdom and am believing that this, too, will be one of those things that are "added unto me." 3 John 2 states "I pray you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers." My soul is in a prosperous state. I serve a mighty God. His unmerited favor is showered upon me. Therefore, I shall prosper and be in health. The bible promises.

And, so I believe.

I will exercise self-control and believe that it will increase in me daily. I will be wise in my behavior. And I will receive the assistance of the Most High in my weight loss pursuit.

Ahhhhh .... what a release I feel to hand it to Him and to trust Him. I have been holding on to it myself and stressing and struggling and whatever other "s" word I can think of.

And now, I trust.


Nothing but trust.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Now It's Friday!

Oy! How in the world does one stay motivated when the body is refusing to budge! I have been eating clean, lots of raw stuff, lots of detoxifying going on. Dan has been eating this way about 50%. He is eating more veg, but still having some other stuff too. He walked into the kitchen this morning and said (and I quote) "I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I dropped 5 pounds this week."

Well, he was correct -- I DID NOT WANT TO HEAR THAT! I know, I should have been excited for him. And a small (very small) part of me was. But to be fair, he needs to drop about 7 pounds so ... well, you know what I'm feeling. And my body is rebelling. Yes, because of the transplant I am on a couple of meds that is going to make this harder. And, yes, it will happen for me if I stick with it even if it takes a while. (I hope.) But still! 5 pounds! Really?

I have two words for that: un fair.

So, I would like to quit. But where would that get me? I know exactly where that gets me. And, incidentally, wasn't this journey about health not just weight loss -- weight loss is part of it, but it is part of the health journey. So ... to quit or not to quit ... that is the question.

I also know that you are not supposed to use ellipses anymore; but I like them ... I really do. So there.

Who has something incredibly encouraging for me? I could use it!!!!

Meanwhile, I'll go grab a carrot stick.

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's Monday !

It's Monday! Now that is not normally a big deal to me, but that marks the start of the second week on the Eat to Live diet. It has been going ok. I say ok, becase GREAT would mean it was easy and I haven't struggled at all. I had a bad day yesterday, but am back on the positive motivational side of things today. There is a lot of detox that happens, so that has been a strain. However, I actually feel considerably better!

Other than that ... the big news this week is that Grandbaby #3 is on its way!!!!! Certainly this one will be named after me, right? I'm sure of it ... right, Megan? :)

My energy level is up so I am trying to be more active. I haven't been too good about that yet. Not sure why ... would like that diagnosed! But I am getting there.

No turning back. No turning back.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Life's Blessings

Life has so many blessings. How many pop in your mind right now? A dozen popped into mine just as I typed the sentence. Most of the blessings have faces. I have to work hard at thinking of the other blessings. And there are many.

For instance, I have found a book that is really motivating me and exciting me to be thin and healthy (notice -- not one without the other), I have found a couple of blogs that stir my heart, I have some amazing friends that are encouraging me and supporting me. Oh, yeah, and my DIL Megan who supports and nags me (unfortunately the nagging is necessary).

I had dinner last night with some former workmates. Blessings all around the table. If I hadn't fallen into that job, I wouldn't know those ladies; and I am better because I do. Today I sit at my desk where I am really stress-free and have better benefits and get to bless dialysis patients every day. I am blessed. tonight I will go home to my husband of 32 years who still loves me and has taken amazing care of me through the whole hideous kidney disease adventure. I am blessed.

Yup, there are many blessings. Too many to count actually. So I will stop and praise my God and know that on my worst days; the blessings so far outweight the problems that it is embarrassing to even get frustrated!

Now, I think I'll peruse a few encouraging blogs.

Have a fabulous Friday ... do something amazing for someone. Maybe a surprise -- that would be fun!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

That Happy Skippy Feeling

Has not been around in a long time ... But I feel it today. And I am grateful. I was thinking of that very ancient Amy Grant song about spending time on the mountaintop. (Yes, I realize that dates me and her, but there we go.)

I am aching to weigh myself to see if this is making any difference (by this I mean the new eating program), but I am going to resist. I am going to weigh on Mondays and that is it. I do, however, feel better in my mid-section. The positive feeling feels great. Have you heard that quote: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. ? Well, I agree right now that nothing sounds as good as continuing to feel positive and better inside feels.

So often when we gain some diligence in one area, it spills over. It appears to be happening around me right now. Hmmm .. is that exciting or what? Perhaps if you are feeling underneath it all right now, the positive comments might annoy you. Sorry about that. I've been where you are more than where I am. And I am happy to report that doing the right thing long enough paid off. I have kept the faith and run the race (well, I haven't actually run yet, but you know what I mean). And the answers and help are showing themselves.

Here's another quote: the teacher appears when the student is ready. I think I believe that now. Never really have before, never gave it much consideration; but I am ready and the teacher has arrived. I devoured about half of the Eat to Live book last night and he asked for a 6 week commitment. He said that will be the hardest part. I decided to set my sights on Mother's Day. It's a bit more than 6 weeks away, but it is a good goal. I am hoping to wear something new out of my closet to church that day and maybe surprise my family. I'm not sharing much with them at this point (unless they read this), so we'll see when they notice something.

Anyway ... God is good. He keeps us through the tough times, encourages our faith, and graces us with His favor.

A grateful girl ...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Here We Go Again!

Ok ... silly me. I cannot log into my previous blog account. I have tried everything, so I created a new one. !!! How many times can I do that, I wonder? Oh, well, I've written down everything. I made sure I did not misspell my password, etc. And I'm ready to roll.

No, I have not been exercising aggressively, yet. I've been sick. Again. But I am better. And I am claiming victory. I have read and re-read healing scriptures. I have prayed and re-prayed. Well, I don't think that is a doctrinally sound comment, but you know what I mean. And I have also become an obsessive hand washer and sanitizer. I was pretty strong with it before, so now it is crazy. But, by gumbies, I'm going to prevail. I am trusting in the favor of God for the health in my physical body; and I am attempting to exercise wisdom at the same time.

So, having said that, I am ready to roll. While I was incredibly sick this weekend, I turned on PBS and found Dr. Joel Thurman talking about 3 Steps to Incredible Health. I must say, it is just what I needed. I have ordered his book and two cook books that coordinate with this philosophy and I'm ready to roll. I can download the book this evening when I get home. (I can't download to my Nook from work. Don't know why. If you know why, please tell me.) I plan to devour it. but in the past two days I have been adhering to what little I could glean from the snippets they shared on television and I am perking up quite quickly. It's nothing more than eating extremely healthy. It's so silly, because I love eating extremely healthy; but then I get discouraged and I blow it in little ways. Apparently those little ways are big deals to my body. So, Praise God. I believe He sent what I was praying for.

Onward I go.

On the non-exercising positive side of life, I have actually accomplished a few organization projects around my house. For those of you that know me very well, you know that is nothing short of miraculous. My daughter, Amy (a natural born organizer) would be both surprised and proud of me. I'm fairly proud of myself. I would say I actually enjoyed it, but I don't know who would believe me. And, I have been cleaning up a few little projects that I can bring to work with me. We still aren't full time busy yet, but hoping to be so soon. Until then, I have created a new, clean, organized address book and have cleaned up all the scraps of recipes I had piled up. I am a recipe addict. It's true.

It is March 13th. The 73rd day of the year. There are 293 days left this year. I would like to have a major change in my physical body by the end of this year. So, I have a lot of days left to work on it.

So ... here I go! I am going to publish this, then stand up and down 20 squats and 40 toe touches. I hope no one sneaks up on me. That would be quite hilarious!

What are you doing to accomplish something that's been bugging you? I do love to chat, so feel free to click on the word comments below and chat back!