Friday, March 23, 2012

Now It's Friday!

Oy! How in the world does one stay motivated when the body is refusing to budge! I have been eating clean, lots of raw stuff, lots of detoxifying going on. Dan has been eating this way about 50%. He is eating more veg, but still having some other stuff too. He walked into the kitchen this morning and said (and I quote) "I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I dropped 5 pounds this week."

Well, he was correct -- I DID NOT WANT TO HEAR THAT! I know, I should have been excited for him. And a small (very small) part of me was. But to be fair, he needs to drop about 7 pounds so ... well, you know what I'm feeling. And my body is rebelling. Yes, because of the transplant I am on a couple of meds that is going to make this harder. And, yes, it will happen for me if I stick with it even if it takes a while. (I hope.) But still! 5 pounds! Really?

I have two words for that: un fair.

So, I would like to quit. But where would that get me? I know exactly where that gets me. And, incidentally, wasn't this journey about health not just weight loss -- weight loss is part of it, but it is part of the health journey. So ... to quit or not to quit ... that is the question.

I also know that you are not supposed to use ellipses anymore; but I like them ... I really do. So there.

Who has something incredibly encouraging for me? I could use it!!!!

Meanwhile, I'll go grab a carrot stick.

1 comment:

  1. I probably should have mentioned that I did not hit him.
